Bone Marrow Aspirate - TLC The Littleton Clinic

Bone Marrow Aspirate

Use your own cells to heal and regenerate injuries without surgery.

Good news. There are options to surgery or pain medications to address injuries, pain and arthritis. At TLC The Littleton Clinic, Dr. Hopp and her team are using bone marrow aspirate and platelets to reverse joint degeneration and help injuries. By using the best technology regenerative medicine has to offer, we can capture the power of your own healing cells to turn back the clock and heal faster and more effectively.

What is bone marrow aspirate?

Bone marrow aspirate contains the body’s natural healing cells. Bone marrow aspirate has the unique quality of being multipotent. This means they can differentiate into many different cell types, which allows them to develop like the tissue surrounding them. They are formed in the bone marrow with the purpose of making repairs to your joints, ligaments, tendons and other tissues. Platelets also aid in the repair process by signaling stem cells to bind and repair degenerated or injured tissue.

There are different types of stem cells in the body, for stem cell injections we use mesenchymal stem cells. Mesenchymal stem cells are harvested from your own bone marrow. During the process of stem cell treatment at TLC, a small amount of the bone marrow is harvested to extract the stem cells. All stem cells used in procedures at TLC are autologous, meaning that they come from your own body. These cells are not artificially grown or manipulated in a lab and do not come from embryonic tissue.

The Process

The process of bone marrow aspirate treatment is an in-office outpatient procedure. There are three primary steps to this revolutionary treatment:

1. Bone Marrow Aspirate Harvest – Dr. Hopp will extract a small amount of bone marrow from the ileum, your large hip bone. Though the extraction is quick, this process requires the skills of a specially trained practitioner. Using ultrasound for guidance bone marrow is extracted. The bone marrow is rich in mesenchymal stem cells and platelets – these are the factors that will help to stimulate healing.

2. Bone Marrow Processing – The extracted bone marrow is then processed using on-site equipment, observing proper sterile procedures. The desired elements – the mesenchymal stem cells and platelets – are carefully separated from the other cells.

3. Bone Marrow Injections – Using ultrasound guidance for optimal placement, the processed stem cells are injected into the injured or arthritic joint. The cells then migrate to the joint lining, helping to halt inflammation. Stem cells can take on the characteristics of the surrounding tissue. Stem cells and platelets will then work in the affected areas to increase cell remodeling.

These steps are completed as part of our whole-body wellness approach. To maximize the efficacy of any regenerative treatment, Dr. Hopp can help make recommendations based on her experience as a functional medicine practitioner. These lifestyle adjustments may include diet, exercise and supplementation. For more information about functional medicine, click here.

Conditions Treated

Bone marrow aspirate treatments can be helpful for both acute or chronic injuries. Some common injuries treated with bone marrow aspirate include: arthritis of knees, ankles, or shoulders; SI dysfunction, labral tears (shoulder or hip), meniscus tears, ankle ligament injury, and CMC arthritis.

Regenerative Treatments at TLC

At TLC, we offer multiple types of regenerative treatments including Prolotherapy, Platelet Rich Plasma, and Bone Marrow Aspirate as non-surgical options for the treatment of orthopedic injuries. These treatments all operate on the mechanism of stabilizing joints and one is not necessarily better than another. The primary difference between these treatments is the solution or substance that is injected. Deciding which treatment may be best for you can be done after evaluation by a skilled physician like Dr. Hopp.

We are excited to offer this revolutionary treatment at The Littleton Clinic and think it may be able to help you too! Call our office at 720‑351‑2411 to schedule an appointment and get started.


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