Have you been wondering how many people have the Corona Virus in Denver or elsewhere? Health Lynked Corp. released a phone app that “allows users to self-report symptoms, if they test positive for the virus, alert contacts so that they can seek medical care to prevent spread.” See below for the link to download the app. Take control of your own health and others by reporting your health status.
iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/healthlynked-covid-19-tracker/id1500575377
Google Play: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_qCoOD1Rm0LZDHou4vgo71tf91UdCGVJ/view?usp=sharing
Browser: https://www.healthlynked.com/corona-virus-tracker/
For additional information from TLC on Covid-19 (Coronavirus): https://thelittletonclinic.com/category/covid-19/